
Personal blog(Nurur Rahman Kiron) for sample documents.....

seo project

Seo sample document:

Link building search by kiron

Dofollow backlinks:

[dofollow] social bookmarking sites list:

buzz.yahoo.com PR-9
Digg.com PR-8
citeulike.org PR 8
connotea.org PR 8
Technorati.com PR-8
designfloat.com PR 7
Reddit.com PR-8
slashdot.org PR-8
readwriteweb.com PR-7
scoop.it PR-7
boingboing.net PR-7
lifehacker.com PR-7
news.ycombinator.com PR-6
hotklix.com PR 6
meneame.net PR-6
clipmarks.com PR 6
techdirt.com PR -7
metafilter.com PR-7
nowpublic.com PR-7
radar.oreilly.com PR-6
jumptags.com PR 6
clipmarks.com PR 6
techmeme.com PR-7
fark.com PR-7
voices.yahoo.com PR-7
newsvine.com PR-7
buzz.yahoo.com PR-9
mixx.com PR-8
sphinn.com PR-6
valueinvestingnews.com PR-4
dotnetkicks.com PR-6
dnhour.com PR-4
stumbleupon.com PR-7
delicious.com PR-7
diigo.com PR-7
folkd.com PR-6
kwoff.com PR 6
buddymarks.com PR-5
blogengage.com PR-4
bizsugar.com PR-6
votetags.info PR-1
dzone.com PR-6
kaboodle.com PR-2
tumblr.com PR-8
bibsonomy.org PR-7
linkagogo.com PR-6
cloudytags.com PR-4
jeqq.com PR 4
dropjack.com PR-6
linkarena.com PR-4
url.org PR-5

Top 50 High PR Sites to Create Profile Backlinks:

1 http://www.xing.com PR 8
2 http://my.telegraph.co.uk PR 8
3 http://www.blogger.com PR 8 
4 http://www.politico.com/ PR 8
5 http://issuu.com/ PR 8
6 http://www.ehow.com PR 7
7 http://www.zillow.com PR 7
8 http://www.2checkout.com PR 7
9 http://30boxes.com PR 7
10 http://community.elgg.org PR 7
11 http://www.comedycentral.com/ PR 7
12 http://www.jamieoliver.com/ PR 7
13 http://activerain.com PR 6
14 http://answerbag.com PR 6
15 http://www.viddler.com/ PR 6
16 http://fontstruct.fontshop.com/ PR 6
17 http://www.stickam.com/ PR 6
18 http://www.quarterlife.com/ PR 6
19 http://www.dontstayin.com/ PR 6
20 http://virb.com/ PR 6
21 http://www.myfolio.com/ PR 6
22 http://www.threadless.com/ PR 6
23 http://www.gusto.com/ PR 6
24 http://schoolofeverything.com/ PR 6
25 http://www.crowdspring.com/ PR 6
26 http://www.yuku.com/ PR 6
27 http://www.startupnation.com PR 6
28 http://democracyforamerica.com/ PR 6
29 http://newstrust.net/ PR 6
30 http://www.divinecaroline.com/ PR 6
31 http://www.thepoint.com/ PR 6
32 http://www.soundclick.com/ PR 6
33 http://www.redbubble.com/ PR 6
34 http://www.dezinedepot.com PR 6
35 http://www.protectthehuman.com/ PR 6
36 http://retroland.com/ PR 5
37 http://www.vidilife.com/ PR 5
38 http://socialight.com/ PR 5
39 http://vi.sualize.us/ PR 5
40 http://nobosh.com/ PR 5
41 http://www.listal.com/ PR 5
42 http://www.linkinn.com/ PR 5
43 http://www.revish.com/ PR 5
44 http://community.guinnessworldrecords.com/ PR 5
45 http://nerdfighters.ning.com/ PR 5
46 http://rezzable.com/ PR 5
47 http://www.shoutlife.com/ PR 4
48 http://www.widgiland.com/ PR 4
49 http://ikarma.com/ PR 4
50 http://www.bloggersunite.org/ PR 4

High Pagerank Dofollow Blogs List:

Pagerank 6 Dofollow Blogs:

Pagerank 5 Dofollow Blogs:

Pagerank 4 Blogs:
http://kikolani.com/ Blogging
http://wordpress-websitebuilder.com/ Blogging
http://www.webuildyourblog.com/ Blogging
http://www.intenseblog.com/ Blogging
http://www.sweetsfoods.com/ Blogging
http://andreasnurbo.com Blogging
http://www.biggirlbranding.com/ Blogging
http://www.smartbloggerz.com/ Blogging
http://weblogbetter.com/ Blogging
http://jefffaldalen.com/ Blogging
http://www.famousbloggers.net/ Blogging
http://www.netchunks.com/ Blogging
http://productivewriters.com/ Blogging
http://www.methods2earn.com/ Blogging
http://bloggingwithoutablog.com/ Blogging
http://michelleshaeffer.com/ Blogging
http://mywebgal.com/blog/ Blogging & SEO
http://another-blogger.com/ Blogging & SEO
http://www.technshare.com/ Tech & Blogging
http://www.affiliateblogonline.com/ Affiliate & Blogging
http://ian-belanger.com Blogging and Marketing
http://www.reviewtheandroid.com Tech
http://smallusbflashdrive.com/ Tech
http://www.techtricksworld.com/ Tech
http://www.attractionmarketingonline.com/ Marketing
http://sem-group.net/ Internet Marketing
http://profitonknowledge.com/ Internet Marketing
http://www.vancesova.com/ Internet Marketing
http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ Webdesign & SEO
http://www.seodiscovery.org/ SEO
http://www.chadnicely.com/ Make Money Online
http://www.thesaleslion.com/ Multi niche
http://juhotunkelo.com/ Multi niche
http://pulkit.me/ Multi niche
http://thebitbot.com/ Multi niche
http://blazingminds.co.uk Multi niche
http://www.jhsiess.com/ books
http://www.benspark.com Life
http://blog.winesworld.com/ Wine, Food, Travel
http://www.tekkaus.com/ Football
Pagerank 3 Blogs:
http://www.realityburst.com/ Blogging
http://robotschile.com/  Tech
http://www.imjustsharing.com/ Blogging
http://theaveragegenius.net/ Blogging
http://lindagraceonline.com/ Blogging
http://writinghappiness.com/ Blogging
http://hotblogtips.com/ Blogging
http://www.webmaster-success.com/ Blogging
http://www.probloggingsuccess.com/ Blogging
http://logallot.com/ Blogging
http://www.ramblingsofawahm.com/ Blogging
http://www.replaceyoursalary.com/work-from-home-blog/ Blogging
http://www.glosonblog.com/ Blogging
http://adriennesmith.net/ Blogging
http://www.thebadblogger.com/ Blogging
http://www.awesomebloggers.com/ Blogging
http://www.blogelina.com/ Blogging
http://superbloggingtips.com Blogging
http://www.lawmacs.com/ Blogging
http://www.imjustsharing.com Blogging
http://www.blogengage.com/blogger/ Blogging
http://www.lawmacs.com/ Blogging
http://popcred.net/blog/ Blogging
http://www.solobizcoach.com/ Blogging and online business
http://wassupblog.com/ Blogging and SEO
http://genuineseo.net/ Bloging and SEO
http://www.internetninja.com.au/ SEO
http://performinsider.com/ Blogging and Tech
http://bigfeetmarketing.com/ Blogging and marketing
http://joannavaiou.com/ Bloggging and thesis
http://jupiterjimsmarketingteam.com/ Bloggging and thesis
http://internetmarketingremarks.com/ Internet Marketing
http://just-ask-kim.com/ Internet Marketing
http://www.jaydip.info/ Internet Marketing
http://randolfsmith.com/ Internet Marketing
http://www.tlmarketing.net/ Internet Marketing
http://masterful-marketing.com/blog/ Internet Marketing
http://www.davidwalker.tv Internet marketing
http://www.tricia.me/ Affiliate marketing
http://bobandrosemary.com/ marketing
http://www.wonderoftech.com/ Tech
http://www.windowstalk.org/ Tech
http://www.itechcode.com/ Tech
http://robotschile.com/ Tech
http://www.techwork.dk/  Tech
http://www.therealwomenofsocialmedia.com/ For woman
http://www.motivatingmum.co.uk/wp/ Business Mum blog
http://www.marcus-baker.com/ Life
http://www.jacqueline-gates.com/ Life
http://stacyclaflin.com/blog/ Books
http://www.hensher.ca/ Books
http://www.authopublisher.com/ Books
http://www.prettyopinionated.com/ Books
http://todayhaspower.com/ Health
http://www.quillcardsblog.com images
http://baltimorerealestateinvestingblog.com Real Estate

List of dofollow forums:


High PR Dofollow forums list:

http://www.wrensoft.com/forum   PR7
http://forum.videolan.org/   PR7
http://forums.cnet.com/   PR7
http://online.wsj.com/community   PR7
http://www.gardenweb.com/   PR7
http://www.000webhost.com/forum/   PR7
http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/   PR6
http://fhq.forumer.com/   PR6
http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/forums/   PR6
http://www.antionline.com/   PR6
http://forum.wpde.org/   PR6
http://forums.searchenginewatch.com/   PR6
https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/feedburner   PR6

Search engine optimization:
Search engine optimization (SEOis the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's natural or un-paid search results.
SEO advertising refers to Search Engine Optimization. This form of advertising assures that a person or a company web site is optimized for inclusion in varies search engines. The process on SEO is to include certain key features in a website so that the web site can be found on the internet when a perspective prospect is searching for a particular product or service.

1. Google Analytic
You already hear of SEO, you know Google Analytic  the tool that offers insight into your website traffic and provides a complete web analytic report:
§  Web traffic sources
§  Unique visitors
§  Visitor bounce rate
§  Referrals
Google Analytic gives you need for a realistic view of your online marketing prowess—and it provides what you need to track visitor activity and strengthen your online marketing campaign.
Yes, SEOMOZ is one of the oldest SEO tools available on the internet. However, it still saves a substantial amount of time identifying links so you can get improve your overall search engine ranking in the search engines.
3. Google Webmaster Tools
Google Webmaster Tools is the magic wand I wave (well not really) to lend some understanding to my website impressions and conversions—plus, just like Google Analytics, it’s free– and similarly, you only need to paste a little line of code into your websites. This tool presents detailed reports about my website’s visibility and identifies any issues that Google might be running into when they crawl and index my WebPages.
4. Screaming SEO
Screaming  SEO Spider not only has a really cool name—it has a really cool ability to spider website links, images, CSS, script, and apps and fetch key onsite page elements so you can filter them using Excel. This allows you to perform a quick SEO audit to analyze and identify common SEO problems or opportunities.
5. Keyword
This killer keyword research tool knocks any other out of the ball park in my opinion. On top of offering the basic keyword research, Keyword Blaze takes SEO keyword research to a whole new level!
6. Raven Tools
If you want a social media manager, a PPC ad management tool, a super sleek user-interface, and a link management system all in the same app—then Raven Tools is a must for you. This fully-hosted web app integrates almost every 3rd party SEO tool you’ll even need to export your SEO campaign data to a central location.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying reading your well written articles. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog.
